As a responsible adult, living in a world easily influenced by weather and the decisions of the very few, we have a responsibility to be prepared to survive and thrive in unpredictable, uncontrollable and otherwise highly dangerous circumstances. Those could range from power outages and impassible road conditions to supply and water service disruptions or shortages.
In desperate times people do desperate things. Understanding that “your world” isn’t necessarily “their world”. There are there are a lot people out there. And for the first time in recent history an increasing number of “us” are becoming more desperate.
As per the Bureau of Justic Statistics, the recent fastest average Police Response Time is more than 5:00 minutes. Five minutes is a long time to fight for your life. Crime, specifically violent crime…human trafficking, assault, murder, robbery…is on an unprecedented rise. Because of deficient resources and a generally disrespectful / uncooperative / unappreciative public, law enforcement and other emergency service have become overwhelmed. In some places the response times is over 20:00 or even indefinite.
Traditionally, the police are meant to be a responsive force to calls for assistance, between broad intervals of patrolling the community to deter and detect risks to public safety…the ”bad guys”. They were never meant to be our bodyguards or babysitters. Our community and its safety are just as much our responsibility as it is theirs. It is also our responsibility to provide a reasonable level of self-protection and self-sustainment to endure exigent circumstances. If you have a family, that responsibility is even greater and more pressing.
Club Hard To Kill offers the opportunity to prepare yourself, your vehicle, your home and more. Learn to #BeHardToKill.
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Waco, Texas, #waco, #texas, #wacolocal, #centraltexas,